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Looking for employment? WE’RE ON THE JOB!

Job Seekers

At NCWorks Career Center Asheville, our goal is to help you get the tools and skills you need for success in every step of the job search. Following are just a few of the ways to access those tools and develop those skills and at no cost to you.  Click on a topic to find out more!







The staff at the NCWorks Career Center in Asheville were very helpful.  I was welcomed when I came in the door and it didn't take me long to speak with a staff member.  Being laid off was very stressful, but they put my mind at ease and made me feel like they cared.

John H. 

I found all of the workshops to be very informative.  Within a 3 week period, my resume was in much better shape, I had brushed up on my interviewing skills, and I also learned how to network with people in my field.

Ashley M. 

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